Ordering Process:
- Please select and complete the appropriate order form(s) below
- We will review the order form, contact you with any questions or concerns, then email (or mail) you a contract
- You review, sign the contract, and return it to us with the deposit
- We complete the contact by signing it and send you a copy of the completed contract
Idaho Pasture Pigs (IPP)
Idaho Pasture Pigs (IPP)
We sell registered IPPs at a variety of ages to meet your needs for feeder pigs and/or breeding stock.
All of our Idaho Pasture Pigs are pastured year round at our farm.
Scottish Highland Calves
Scottish Highland Calves
Our 2023 calves have moved on to new pastures. We currently have one heifer calf for sale that will be weaned in August 2024 and are expecting another calf to be available later in the fall of 2024. If you are interested in calves, please reach out to mike@beckonhillfarms.com.